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Showing posts from March, 2019


The don and Mon keys at the season open hindsight sleeping the time walk of the rain sinking time Mable and fable beckoned beacon to gush the planetary heat over the dawn in scape torch wheeling the soul of lighton will networking starvills in the seasona lighton and mercurian quantum resort.


The rule of soul mine rocks the vintage of the voyagemill transforms the day dream in the way of sun order dawn the class of geometric will entreated landing by the trees. With brothers a stake mind in the revolver of light on and mercurian cypress creed profuse the bolts of wisdom withdrawal from the trees of life abide.
The Wheel The day is under the wheel's will waking seasons in the dream of sleep at the doorpost of the sleep of dream. In the leadgate memory of serpientized hood of luciferic psychologies knocked by philosopheric ensign playing the record of the lightonian year in the morning star's gateway driving the console of life table in the wheel of the will driven away on the feet of conscience to the seat of conscience. Dealing the hit of heat in a suburban rule of life page.